Equitable Economic Recovery Task Force

The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified systemic barriers to economic opportunity in Contra Costa County. This countywide task force will align efforts, track and guide actions to support job creation in the public and private sector, identify and promote policies to retain local employers, and expand connections to training and employment for those disproportionately impacted by recent layoffs.

This effort was launched and co-led by the Contra Costa Workforce Development Board, Contra Costa Employment & Human Services Department, and the Contra Costa Economic Partnership.


Local business leaders and key stakeholders will meet via video conferencing with an agenda focused on economic recovery and opportunity for those disproportionately impacted by the public health crisis. All meetings are open to the public with the ability to contribute to the conversation through the chat function, instant polling, and breakout rooms.


We anticipate meeting on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month initially and then monthly. Meeting announcements and registration links will be updated on this page.


Zoom video conferencing with registration links for upcoming meetings listed below.


Fill out the form below to send us a message or email team@ccpartnership.org.
You can also call us at (925) 246-1880.